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医学院外专Ahmad Taha Khalaf博士作医学研究讲座

来源:成都大学医学院(护理学院) 发布日期:2019-06-24 浏览数: 【打印】 【关闭】【收藏本页】

(本网消息 图/文 尹洲)2019618日(周二)下午,医学院新进外国专家Ahmad Taha Khalaf医学博士为学院部分在校博士和中外班授课教师,在学院会议室作关于Importance of Research in Medical Sciences的讲座。


Ahmad Taha Khalaf Ugla (M.B.Ch.B., MMed, MD/PhD)

1989 - 1995 M.B.Ch.B. (B. Sc. in Medicine & General Surgery), Mosul Medical College, University of Mosul, Iraq.

1995 - 1997 Intern, University General Hospitals, as Rotating Officer in the main Medical Branches for two years

1997 - 1998 One year working in the Health Care Centre at the Health Office/Nineveha

1998 - 2006 Senior-House Officer (SHO), Mosul Teaching Hospital/Department of Medicine, Mosul Medical College, Iraq.

2008 Master of Medicine, Immunology (Dermatology and Clinical Immunology), Wuhan University Medical College, Wuhan, China

2012 Doctor of Clinical Medicine, Internal Medicine (Dermatology & Venereology), Wuhan University Medical College, Wuhan,China.



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